Tomato Soup | Homemade and easy soup | Best for Kids

Easy and Homemade Tomato soup served with croutons and fresh basil or cilantro leaves

Tomato Soup recipe | Soup for Toddlers | Soup for Kids – On a cold winter day, a warm cup of soup is so comforting. This homemade tomato soup recipe is so easy to make that you will forget the knorr tomato soup packets. Freshly prepared homemade soups are more healthier than any packaged soups. The below tomato soup recipe is not heavy on stomach but light and hence good for kids.


After having our soup, you might be reminded of the soup which your parents or grandparents made it for you. It is creamy, the onions play a role of noodles and most importantly, it has very few spices in it, so you will enjoy your hero ingredient. Our parents used to feed us soup around 10am in the morning as second breakfast or at 4pm in the evening. The main role of the soup was, firstly, to keep our stomachs full in between meals. Secondly, our stomachs would not have the space for junk foods 🙂 and thirdly, the energy quotient of kids would be good for play in between meals.


Hara hachi bun me – as the Japanese say, eat until you are 80% full. For this mantra, a soup is also a best starter. You can have soup in the evening at about 4 pm too. Soups are best when you are under the weather. You can add basil leaves at the end of the soup instead of cilantro leaves when you have cold. In short, this is a no complicated restaurant style or cream filled soup, but a homemade traditional tomato soup. This soup reminds us of our childhood days. Hope it you like it as well!!

Variations to Tomato Soup

I do a bit of variation only while serving the soup and not in the actual recipe. This recipe tastes good as it is. Nonetheless, you can try your variations too. Let us know what you tried in the comments section. When I serve the soup to the elders in the house, I use coriander leaves or basil leaves for garnish. And when it comes to kids the croutons or the bread fried in ghee makes them happy. Similarly, a grilled cheese sandwich works well too. If you like our Soup recipe, you can check out our other SOUP RECIPES too.


While you are here, you may want to look at our RECIPES FOR KIDS, EASY RECIPES, VEG RECIPES and WINTER RECIPES.

Things to note

  • When you are preparing the soup for the elders in the family or the kids, make sure your peel the skin of tomato and remove the seeds as mentioned in the recipe below. This makes the soup easier to digest. However, you can choose to prepare the soup without removing the skin too.
  • If the tomatoes you use in Tomato soup are not fresh, then it will give you a tangy taste. This tangy taste might be prominent. To reduce the tanginess in the soup, you can add a little sugar.

Nutrition Facts

Home cooked food is filled with Nutrition. If you are keen on knowing the nutrition that goes in your body with every food you consume, we have picked some facts for you. Source is Google.


Tomatoes are rich in Vitamin C, Potassium, Vitamin K1, Vitamin B9. The benefits of tomato include a healthy skin and a good heart health too. Also, tomatoes contain carotenoids which protects your eyes from light induced damage.

Tomato Soup Recipe in a page

Tomato Soup

Quick and easy Tomato Soup. 
Prep Time15 mins
Cook Time15 mins
Total Time30 mins
Course: Soup
Servings: 2
Author: Hazel D


  • 350 gms Tomatoes red and ripe
  • Hot water till it covers the tomatoes
  • 2 cups Water
  • 1 tsp Ghee/Clarified Butter
  • few Slices of Onion
  • Pepper Powder as per taste
  • Garam Masala as per taste
  • Salt as per taste
  • Coriander Leaves or Fried bread for garnish


  • Take 350 gms Tomatoes in a bowl. The Tomatoes should be red and ripe. Red Tomatoes give good color to the soup
  • Add hot water in the bowl till it covers the tomatoes. This helps in peeling the skin of the Tomatoes. It comes off easily. Let the Tomatoes rest in hot water for about  5 mins
  • After 5 mins, drain the water off and peel the skin of the Tomatoes. 
  • After peeling the skin of tomatoes, remove the seeds of the tomatoes too
  • Make a puree of the Tomatoes
  • Add 2 cups of water to the Tomato puree and give it a mix
  • Now place the Tomato puree on heat 
  • Add Salt as per taste
  • Once the soup is reduced to your desired thickness, switch off the flame. Stir occasionally while it is on flame.
  • Time to season the soup. Heat a pan and a tsp of Ghee
  • Add to it few sliced onions and fry till they are golden brown
  • Add pepper powder as per your taste and mix well
  • Now its time to add the boiled Tomato puree. 
  • To this add Garam Masala as per your taste and mix well
  • Give this soup just one round of boil
  • Your Tomato soup is ready to serve. Serve the soup with croutons or with a handful of coriander leaves or basil leaves . Either way, it tastes good. Hope you like and enjoy this soup as much as we do.



We have added garam masala in this recipe. We do get questions from our readers, as to why do we use garam masala in soup and is it good to give it to kids. Well, garam masala is a blend of spices. Most of the spices we use are medicinal in value. We do use it regularly in Indian kitchens. So using garam masala in soup is good. 
You can reduce the quantity of garam masala in the recipe. We have  approximately used 1/4 tsp of garam masala in this recipe. You can reduce it even further. But it is safe for kids. Quantity of garam masala in this recipe can be reduced when you give it kids. 

Stepwise directions to make the soup recipe

Step 1
You will need 350 gms of Tomatoes for this recipe. The Tomatoes should be fresh, red and ripe. You need to use red tomatoes since its gives good red color to the soup.

Choose fresh, ripe and red tomatoes for tomato soup

Step 2
To the bowl, add boiling hot water, till the tomatoes are submerged in it. This is done so that the skin of the Tomato peels easily. Furthermore, let the Tomatoes rest in hot water for about 10 mins.

let the tomatoes soak in hot water so that the skin of tomatoes peel easily for the tomato soup

Step 3
After the tomatoes have rested in water for 10 mins, it is time to peel off the tomato’s skin, as shown in the picture.

peel the skin of tomatoes for homemade tomato soup

Step 4
After peeling the skin of tomatoes, it is time to remove the seeds of the tomatoes too. The skin and the seeds of tomato’s are removed so that it makes the soup very light and easily digestible.

remove the seeds of tomatoes after blanching the them for tomato soup

Step 5
Now that the skin and seeds of the tomato are removed, it is time to puree the tomato.

Puree the tomatoes while preparing homemade tomato soup

Step 6
Add 2 cups of water to the Tomato puree and give it a stir.

Add 2 cups of water to the tomato puree while preparing tomato soup

Step 7
Now it is time to place the tomato puree on heat.

Heat the tomato puree in a pan and reduce to desired consistency

Step 8
Additionally, add Salt as per your taste.

Add salt as per taste to the tomato puree

Step 9
Once the soup is reduced to your desired thickness, switch off the flame. Stir occasionally while it is on heat.

Boil till the soup attains required consistency



Steps to season the soup

Step 10
Time to season the soup. Take a pan, heat it and a tsp of ghee.

heat a pan and add a tsp of ghee

Step 11
To the pan, add a few sliced onions and fry them, till they turn golden brown.

add few slices of onion and fry them in the pan

Step 12
Once the onions turn golden brown in color, add a little pepper powder as per your taste and mix well with the onions.

add pepper powder

Step 13
Once the pepper is mixed well, add the reduced tomato puree to the pan.

add boiled tomato puree to the pan

Step 14
Additionally, add a little garam masala as per your liking and mix well.

lastly, add garam masala

Step 15
Now, give this soup just a little boil so that the seasonings of the soup stays fresh.

give it a little boil

Step 16
Your Tomato soup is now ready to be served. Serve the delicious soup with croutons or with a handful of coriander leaves or basil leaves . Either way, it tastes good. Hope you like and enjoy this soup as much as we do.

Easy and Homemade Tomato soup served with croutons and fresh basil or cilantro leaves